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Angels Award

“Working together to save lives”

By using SITS you can qualify for several Awards. The contribution is an important part of our mission; assure excellence in acute treatment and secondary prevention of stroke, as well as to facilitate clinical trials. Below you can read about teh Angels Award which you can be a part of with our SITS QR form.

The Angels Awards recognise and honour teams and individuals committed to excellence and continuous improvement in stroke care.

Award winners

Have you won an award?

Please visit Angels website to download your press package to promote your hospital.

Hospitals submitting data of at least 30 consecutive stroke patients in the SITS QR data entry form will be eligible for an award. Based on their performance against various measures, participating hospitals can be recognized with either Gold, Platinum or Diamond level award.

Registration requirementsGoldPlatinumDiamond
% of patients treated with door to needle time < 60 minutes50%75%75%
% of patients treated with door to groin time < 120 minutes50%75%75%
% of patients treated with door to needle time < 45 minutes  50%
% of patients treated with door to groin time < 90 minutes  50%
% recanalisation procedure rate out of total stroke incidence in the hospital5%15%25%
% of all suspected stroke patients undergoing CT or MRI imaging procedure80%85%90%
% of all stroke patients undergoing dysphagia screen80%85%90%
% of ischaemic stroke patients discharged with antiplatelets80%85%90%
% of atrial fibrillation related stroke patients discharged with anticoagulants80%85%90%
Stroke patients treated in a dedicated stroke unit or ICU during their hospital stay  YES

To be a part of the Angels Initiative you need to enable the data entry form in your centre settings in the registry.
Please contact for more information.

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