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Calculation of Award criteria changed for Angels Award

After the yearly evaluation of the Award Criteria for Angels Award, we are making the following updates to the QR protocol and Award Criteria calculations:

  • Options to QR variables “9. Antiplatelet therapy prescribed on discharge?” and “11. Anticoagulant therapy prescribed at discharge?” are simplified
  • QR protocol is updated with a new variable called “Which hospital performed [IVT] / [TBY/IAT]?” with options “This hospital”, which is the hospital you are creating this patient file in, and “Other hospital, which is a different hospital than the one you are creating this patient file in. It is necessary to add this variable in order to make the Award Criteria 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b more accurate and justice to hospitals that share the same patient, where one performs IV thrombolysis and the other Endovascular thrombectomy. Thus, each hospital will get its rightful result, whether they only performed the IV thrombolysis, or only the Endovascular thrombectomy, or both.
  • Award Criteria 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 5 and 8 are now excluding unknown values from their calculations
  • Award Criteria 6 and 7 are updated to match the newly updated QR variables “9. Antiplatelet therapy prescribed on discharge?” and “11. Anticoagulant therapy prescribed at discharge?”
  • The threshold for achieving Diamond level on Award Criteria 8 (individually), is lowered from 100% to 50%
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