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Collaboration between SITS Stroke Registry and APPNA-MERIT

SITS International is proud to announce the collaboration with APPNA-MERIT organization.

APPNA (Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America) and MERIT (Medical Education, Research, International Training and transfer of Technology) organizes quality lectures on various topics by Doctors abroad to the medical students and doctors in Pakistan.

Dr. Shahid Rafiq (APPNA MERIT chair) and Dr. Danish Bhatti (APPNA MERIT co-chair) from USA, together with medical experts from Canada, UK, Middle East and Pakistan, have initiated a new groundbreaking research project in Pakistan focusing on medical education and quality improvement in stroke care.

Stroke Registry supports the research project through data collection and monitoring of the study. We look forward to starting the study and even more to share the results with you.

To read more about APPNA MERIT click here.

Stay tuned for more news and updates on the collaboration between SITS and APPNA MERIT and the Pakistani research project.

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