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CVT – a new protocol in SITS Registry

We have released a new protocol Cerebral Venous Thrombosis minimal (CVT-m) in SITS Registry. The data form enables you to document CVT risk factors, aetiology, management and outcomes of patients at your centre.
As you probably know, CVT is a special type of stroke/ cerebrovascular disorder involving the venous circulation. Due to its low incidence compared to arterial stroke and the differences regarding risk factors, aetiology and clinical presentation, fewer data has been published regarding CVT. For this reason, in collaboration with Prof. Jose Ferro from Portugal, SITS has developed a data form for CVT. The CVT part of the SITS Registry will provide an international platform to perform research on CVT patients in routine clinical practice such as describe risk factors, understand pathophysiology and standardize and improve management of these patients.

To start using the CVT data form in SITS Registry, first ask your Local Coordinator to enable it in Centre settings.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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