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Data entry option for antidote of dabigatran now available in the SITS registry

As we informed in an earlier announcement, the SITS registry is now providing a new set of data variables available for those of you using the standard e-CRF protocols (IV thrombolysis, Thrombectomy and General stroke).

  • Idarucizumab – subquestions targeting stroke patients treated with anticoagulant dabigatran at baseline and/or during hospital stay.
  • Reason for unknown time of stroke onset – a few subquestions let one to indicate reason for unknown time (hours, minutes) of stroke onset at baseline, last time seen healthy and wake-up stroke
  • Dose calculation of IV-tPA (Actilyse) – subquestions regarding the dose calculation of the IV-tPA treatment
  • APTT – existing question in the system, but now also available in later time windows of 2h, 12h and 24h time points for patients treated with dabigatran
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