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All patients General Stroke Protocol

General All Patients Protocol records any patient suffering from stroke or TIA that is not treated with IV thrombolysis or thrombectomy. In this protocol the following data entry forms are used:   

All Patients Protocol, standard version (APP-s)– protocol for registering stroke and TIA patients who have not been treated with IV thrombolysis or thrombectomy. 

All Patients Protocol, minimal version (APP-m) – protocol for registering stroke and TIA patients who have not been treated with IV thrombolysis or thrombectomy. The minimal version omits certain baseline and imaging variables, 2-, and 24-hour follow-up. 


  • Record any stroke or TIA in patients who has not received IV thrombolysis or endovascular thrombectomy treatments  
  • Select the minimal version of the protocol if you wish to exclude certain baseline and image variables, 2- and 24-hour follow-up 
  • Document, evaluate and measure outcomes in stroke or TIA patients who have not received IVT or TBY  

The All Patients Protocol (APP) is automatically enabled in the standard version. As a Local Coordinator, you can enable the minimal version of APP under Centre Settings.  

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