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Launching SITS Dashboard


On Monday Dec 12th, a Dashboard will be launched in SITS Registry. The Dashboard will be the start page the user gets to right after logging in. It provides an overview of the existing data on centre level and will ease the adding of data into the registry.

Some of the information Dashboard displays:

  • “Total patients” displays number of patients in your centre
  • “Data completeness” displays data completeness, as a percentage, of all required data in patient files in your centre
  • “Next 3m follow-up” displays how many days it is left to the next patient’s three month’s visit
  • “Overdue 3 months” displays number of patients whose three month’s visit page is not completed after 90 days from stroke onset
  • “Ready for confirmation” displays number of patient files that have at least one time point that is ready to be confirmed
  • “Patient recruitment (per month)” a graph of number of patient files registered per month
  • “Functional outcome (mRS 3m) a graph that shows distribution of patients’ mRS score at three month’s visit, per year
  • “Patient outcome (NIHSS 24h) a box plot of patients NIHSS at 24 hour’s time point, per year
  • “Door to needle time (IVT)” a graph that shows distribution of patients’ door-to-needle time, categorized in time intervals, per year

Dashboard page is in English.

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