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New data entry protocol – the SITS QR

Many SITS users have requested a short and simple Stroke Care Quality registry protocol. To meet this, we created the SITS-Quality Registry (SITS-QR). The SITS-QR protocol has now been implemented in the SITS registry platform today.

The SITS-QR protocol can be used by all SITS centers, including those participating in the ESO-Angels Award Program or the Angels Program outside ESO member countries. The SITS QR protocol contains 23 questions, of which only 11 are mandatory, while the other 12 are optional and may be left blank if preferred.

Completing the SITS-QR form takes 5 minutes for each patient. The data entry form fits on a single page. Once saved, data entry is regarded as confirmed and locked.

If you are currently using the SITS IVT and/or the TBY protocols: once you create a new patient file in SITS-QR, if you enter that IVT and/or TBY treatments have been given, a copy of the file will also be created using the appropriate IVT and/or TBY protocol. This will eliminate double work for data entry in the other protocols. The SITS-QR will not affect your current choice of data entry protocol and the report system. Patients entered using the SITS-QR can be viewed using a separate listing. The current patient listing, for patients entered with your previously chosen protocols, will be as usual.

You will see the following notification in the registry, Action needed from centre coordinator. Click the Read more button. The centre coordinator can now go to the Centre Settings (click on your User Name in the top right corner of the homepage and “Center settings” from there). Here, you can chose to enable or disable the SITS-QR protocol for your centre. Once you have enabled or disabled SITS-QR, the message will disappear. Please note, only the centre coordinator can change the centre setting. Please contact us if you need any assistance.

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