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New National Coordinators in United Kingdom

Today we can announce a major shift of responsibilities in SITS United Kingdom, one of the most active  participating countries and contributors of high quality data since start of the SITS registry

Professor Christine Roffe, Professor of Stroke Medicine at Keele University, and active at the Institute of Applied Clinical Studies, Guy Hilton Research Centre, Stoke-on-Trent, has accepted the position as SITS National Coordinator for UK, in particular England and Wales, replacing professor Gary Ford who has held this position since SITS started its activity over 15 years ago.

Dr Mary Joan MacLeod, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Aberdeen, with an interest in Stroke Medicine, has accepted the position as National Coordinator for UK, in particular Scotland and Northern Ireland. She will replace professor Kennedy Lees who has also held this position since SITS started its activities in UK.

Dr Azmil Abdul-Rahim, Clinical Lecturer in Stroke and Brain Imaging, University of Glasgow, has accepted the position as associate National Coordinator for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

SITS is happy to welcome the new Coordinators.

We will also take the opportunity to thank Professors Gary Ford and Kennedy Lees for their outstanding work for SITS as National Coordinators for so many years.

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