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New study from Karolinska: medical breakthrough for stroke treatment

A new SITS study published online yesterday in Journal of Internal Medicine (JIM) shows that a drug commonly used to treat leukemia significantly restores the effects of stroke, and reduces the proportion of victims with permanent disabilities or death, by nearly twice as much as thrombolysis alone.

In a press release from Hjärt-Lungfonden (Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation), Professor and Chairman of SITS International explains:

– When a stroke occurs, the brain is exposed to leakage of cells and substances from the blood. In our study, we have managed to prevent the leakage of harmful effects onto the brain, with significantly reduced symptoms like paralysis and speech difficulties.

According to the report from the Hjärt-Lungfonden, stroke is the disease which accounts for the highest number of days spent in hospitals in Sweden. The study could lead to a new treatment strategy for stroke and will be able to change the lives of millions of people worldwide.

– Professor Nils Wahlgren’s research will reduce suffering and significantly improve life quality for those who suffer a stroke. I’m thinking of the increasing group of young people suffering a stroke, who still have many years left to live, says Kristina Sparreljung, Secretary General of Hjärt-Lungfonden.

The treatment likely protects against effects of stroke that occur very early as well as after a few days. Therefore, the treatment may be effective even if is is initiated after a few days. This will be the focus for the research team in future studies.

The study is also presented today at ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update at Elite Marina Tower on Kvarnholmen in Stockholm at 14:35.

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