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SITS Academy

Welcome to SITS video tutorials. Here you can find instructions on how to use SITS Registry. If you are looking for a solution to a specific issue, please visit our FAQ

Preparations and Configurations

Centre settings

Manage the hospital settings, such as enabling protocols, managing study participations, hospital information, and data units

Enable protocol – QR

Start using the SITS-QR protocol by enabling it in Centre settings. The protocol is used for participating in Angels Award, AHA/ASA Certification, Monitor-ISA and other quality focused projects

Enable protocol – CVT

Start using the CVT protocol by enabling it in Centre settings

Create patient file

Data entry – in general

Instructions on how to add a patient file, overview of Patient summary and My patients pages, as well as editing patient data

Data entry – QR

Instructions on how to add and edit a patient file within the QR-protocol

Data entry – ICH

Instructions on how to add and edit a patient file within the ICH-protocol

Avoid double entry

Instructions on how to avoid double data entry when creating a patient file in both QR and some of the research protocols

Angels Awards

Join the program

Information about how to join the Angels Awards program through SITS Registry

Data review process

Information regarding time lines for Angels Awards

Missing award

In case of an award is missing – common causes

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