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SITS Registry is back to normal now

2018-10-31  11:05 CET

The problem with accessing SITS Registry is resolved and back to normal. We are sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused you.

If you still experiencing access problem, it could be due to your web browser has not refreshed the SITS page yet. Is that the case, you can try any of the following steps:

  • Press Refresh button in your web browser to reload the page, or
  • Clear the web browser’s cookies for the last 24 hours, or
  • Restart your web browser

If none of the above options work for you, please contact us on and we will help you the best we can to find a solution for you.

2018-10-31  10:24 CET

Some users are experiencing problem to access SITS Registry at the moment. We are working on fixing the issue.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us on

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