Data reporting
By using the SITS Registry you get access to a powerful reporting and download tool. Data that is entered by the centre is owned by the centre and you have the right to publish your own centre data at any time point. The Report tool gives you the ability to Download data on centre, local and national level that is ready to use for local presentation. You can also compare and analyse performance with national & international data and Benchmark your performance results against others locally, regionally or nationally. It also gives you the ability to Download all patient data from your centre into a spreadsheet in a moment, see the data that is part of an ongoing study that your centre is participating in and access all standard data that has been registered and/or confirmed

Analyze data
- Compare and analyse performance with national & international data
- Benchmark your performance results against others locally, regionally or nationally
- Improve outcomes and quality of stroke care by using the knowledge gained through the data analysis
Use the data at any time
- All data entered by centre is owned by centre
- The data is ready to use for local presentation
- You have the right to publish your own centre’s data any time

Gain access to the registry’s support network
- Connect with world leading stroke experts
- Connect with other collaborators and partners
- Connect with the SITS Scientific Committee for support and scientific guidance