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TBY-minimal and CVT protocols

SITS will launch two new protocols during 2020

CVT protocol

SITS Cerebral Venous Thrombosis data entry protocol (SITS CVT) enables you to document CVT risk factors, aetiology, management and outcomes of patients at your centre.

TBY-minimal protocol

The current SITS endovascular thrombectomy, TBY, registry, is a global academic registry enabling you to document treatment outcomes and benchmark your thrombectomy data with your country and the rest of the world. SITS thrombectomy standard protocol has shown to be a great success – its usage has increased for every year since its start in 2013.

Recently there has been an increasing interest in a minimal version of the TBY data entry protocol, as the treatment globally is getting established in more and more countries. SITS will launch a minimal version of TBY data entry protocol during 2020. The minimal protocol has fewer variables than the standard version.

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