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Data entry forms in SITS

The SITS Registry contains several different protocols as well as add-ons.
Here are the general data entry forms and add-ons, for collaborations see special data entry forms under collaborations menu.


Quality Registry

A short and simple Stroke Care Quality Protocol. This protocol can be used alone or for Angels Award, ASA certification program or WSO/SIECV certification program

IV Thrombolysis 

This protocol records the use 
of IV thrombolysis in the 
treatment of stroke. 

Endovascular Thrombectomy

This protocol records the use 
of endovascular thrombectomy in treatment of stroke.


This registry records when 
a stroke patient is treated 
with both IV thrombolysis 
and thrombectomy. 


All patients General Stroke

This registry records any stroke and TIA patients not treated with IV thrombolysis or thrombectomy.

Intracerebral Haemorrhage

This registry is a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers striving to improve outcomes for the most severely afflicted stroke patients.

Cerebral venous thrombosis

The SITS CVT protocol enables centres to document CVT risk factors, aetiology, management, and outcomes of CVT patients at your centre

Add Ons

Atrial Fibrillation and Oral Anticoagulation in Acute Stroke and TIA Add On

This Add On records all patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) admitted to the hospital with an acute ischemic stroke or TIA.

Covid-19 Add On

COVID-19 stroke specific variables 
are added to existing SITS protocols.

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